September 15, 2010
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Global Hunger, Pakistan, etc.
U.N. sees global hunger easing in 2010
“About 925 million people are undernourished in 2010, down from a record 1.02 billion last year, which was the highest number in four decades, the FAO said in its report.”
Commondreams is less optimistic–I hope they are incorrect. They have been incorrect many times in the past. I do appreciate their conscientiousness, but not their demonization of the right, and not their despair.
I hope the World Health Organization’s warning about the flooding in Pakistan & Russia’s drought negatively impacting the world food supply is not true. I wish people were not killed by the 2010 floods in Pakistan. I am hoping something can be done to help alleviate this situation.
I really like this article about using satellites to identify locations that need help.
The UN needs more money to help people affected by the flood. I hope they get it.
Wrote a letter to Obama this morning asking for more $ for the UN for the flooding. You can write letters to Obama here.
You can find your senators here.
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I’m hoping that the 1/10 of the Cuban population who has just been laid off is as optimistic about this article.
I hope we can start visiting Cuba and boost the tourist trade there so that these new forced entrepreneurs can make a living.
I had seen Cuba as a model of a sustainable economy in the wake of the Soviet Union’s collapse. I’m hoping we can pick up on some of the lessons in sustainable agriculture and humanitarian opportunities for education that Cuba has traditionally supported, and that Cuba can maintain a mixed economy and that these newly laid off workers can survive.
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I don’t feel like diving in to the situation in Iraq and Afghanistan, but I’m hoping we can stop attacking and start helping.
Record level of US airstrikes hit Afghan militants
7 people die in raid in Iraqi city of Fallujah
Speaking of the Mideast, I’m hopeful that Clinton is right:
Clinton: Israel, Palestinians serious about peace
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Glad that the unemployment rate is falling in the UK.
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Liking some of the less volatile headlines on Alternet today.
– – I do not know what to make about the tea party, but I hope that some of the really fringy scary stuff stops, or is just an example of overblown hype of the extremes of the movement.
I find some the headlines on rightist media distasteful, but I think we need to start reading more rightist media in order to find common ground. Because there is common ground. I find the headlines on leftist media outlets even more disturbing than the headlines on rightist media. I’d encourage rightists to read leftist media as well. There is an amazing amount of common ground.
Yahoo news seems pretty moderate, but not very in-depth.
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World Weather Report:
Europe looks OK.
New tropical storm near central America. Tropical Storm Karl. I hope it goes away or doesn’t cause damage. Hurricane Igor and Julia are still heading towards Cuba. I hope they lost strength and just kinda fizzle out. New typhoon still pretty far away from the Phillipines and Taiwan. I hope it fizzles out.