The News in hindsight, 2020 – 9/19/2020

In this episode, we travel back in time to the psychologically significant year 2010…

Blogger Lady K said:

I think Obama could do well to listen to Clinton’s advice, although I’m disappointed with Clinton’s free trade initiatives and other things. As far as dealing with the public, though, I think Clinton has a lot to say.

In the current year, 2020, we now know that Obama did well to cherry-pick the best advice possible from former presidents. Thanks to Obama’s 2010 initiatives, the old problems with the economy, weather, and the divisiveness of the world have ceased to exist. Obama was elected to a second term, and the Democratic-Republicans continue to improve the US and we are now an ethical member of the UN.

It was important that mainstream media started picking up more difficult stories–“U.S. troops accused of killing Afghans ‘for sport.’ The recognition that the US had been acting as an imperial power turned around the perception in the public of what it means to occupy and bomb other countries for resources and revenge. Thank goodness we are making reparations and the Iraqi people are now prosperous even though oil is no longer a fuel of significance to our economy. The resilience of the Afghan people through occupation of the former Soviet Union, the Taliban and the United States has been an inspiration to us all. The brave women who transformed Afghan society–who woulda thunk they’d’ve turned their burquas into junk? Of course, we now have burqua appreciation societies all over the world, including France.

“Lawmakers divided on expiration of Bush tax cuts”–

Lawmakers bravely decided during those critical years to stop supporting such a striated system that extracted wealth from the lower and middle classes and redistributed it to the upper classes. This article is emblematic of the turning point we made to a healthier society with more equitable wealth distribution. We soon closed the tax loopholes as well.

The Weather – hurricanes that happened in 2010. In blogger Lady K’s words:

Fanapi has touched down on land. A lot of people have evacuated Taiwan. I hope there are few deaths and that people in danger of mudslides evacuate their areas.

Igor has weakened, as has Julia. I think it is because both are heading northish, possibly into cooler waters? Seems like goodish news.

Thank goodness we all have weather control now, in collaboration with Gaia and the Sun. His and her consciousnesses continue to communicate with us to better regulate Gaia’s systems.

OPTIFACT News and Weather Report 9/12/2010

The rains in Greece have been alleviated somewhat.

I’m hoping that the rains in Syria can be fostered, that the droughts can be eliminated there.

I really like what Schwarzengger is doing lately re hi-speed rail.

Relieved that it looks like Igor is going to stay in the ocean and away from land.

Not sure I like what is happening in Sweden, because I really like their graduated penalty system for motor violations and I hope this doesn’t indicate a turn away from this civilized approach.

I can’t figure out the stock markets yet. I’m not sure everything should be as monetized as it has been. I’ll leave this up to God-concept for now to figure out. But I’m hoping that we can try to focus on real benefits for all people and real standards of living for all people rather than these exorbitant profits that rich people seem to be so good at reaping at the expense of poor people.

Excellent news for Iranian/US relations, I think. Fox News also has the story.

I have no idea why the Saudi diplomats would want asylum here (although maybe I do). Whatever works for the world.

Commonnightmares ( is as ever skeptical about the situation.
I’m hoping for less vitriol from commondreams, but I’m glad for the conscientiousness. Oy.

Hoping Obama makes good on the symbol of Guantánamo, and campaign promises & visions of hope. I’m sorry I doubted Obama, because it looks like his heart is in the right place. I am sure that if anyone can find a way through this, it’s him. I’m hoping for a second term for him.

Wishing Clinton luck on the mideast talks, although I never believe that talks are a “last chance.” Hoping the Republicans can pick up on the idea of diplomacy; I know this is possible, especially if Ahnold can run as president. There are always chances for more talks.

Weird news about cancer, and I don’t agree with its headline (The 10 Deadliest Cancers and Why There’s No Cure) I’ve read that smoking grass can help prevent and heal lung cancer, and that a raw food diet also can help turn it around. I’ve also met casualties and survivors of breast cancer, survivors of leukemia, survivors of brain cancer, survivors of cancer of the larynx.

Feeling hopeful about this environmental organization, and wishing I could do something about it, but not sure I should be so panicked. I think making as many changes as possible to one’s carbon footprint is a good idea. But also, I think it’s important to focus on the possibilities for spontaneous evolution of species. I recently read that the coral colonies are not all as susceptable to ph and warming changes as was thought. And there are some 15 new species of bees, and that they are hardier. I am hoping they are good pollinators and have tasty honey!
