smith’s Wake-up Dream – Dec. 14, 2011

smith relaying his dream to Lady this morning:

it was a big old house, many many floors. all the people had been turned against each other, so they were misusing each other, abusing each other. and we convinced them to work together.

one bad guy even apologized to the rest of us for bullying. then the people who had turned everybody against each other–the controllers–came, and we pretended that it was discordant like before, and we fooled them.

but somebody had left a note on the banister on one of the stairwells that would have given us away. the bad people stopped by and were checking us out. we fooled them; they thought everything was normal.

but they were walking up the stairs and we were afraid they were going to see the note and find out, and that’s when I woke up. it’s the wake up dreams you remember the easiest.

– smith & Lady

Personal disclaimer by Lady: I do not believe that bad people exist. I believe that the situations have sometimes been such that we sometimes have perceived some people as bad.

OPTIFACT World News and Weather Report – 9/13/2010

World News Report–Mainstream Media:

Oprah Winfrey, Eminem, Lady Gaga and Michelle Obama are trending on Yahoo. Seems mighty fine to me.

I wish the Christian workers were not attacked in Indonesia. We need to be more tolerant and loving of one anothers faiths. Fortunately, no one was hurt.

I’m hoping North Korea has fewer floods. Glad South Korea is helping North Korea with rice.

I’m glad this newborn baby, who was abandoned, was found alive.

I’m hoping for even more cooperation between China and Japan. “Japan frees 14 crew members of Chinese ship

I’m hoping Israel opens up its borders again and reintegrates its economy with Palestinians, and that it acts compassionately with the consequences of the immigrants it has accepted from Asia and Africa. I’m hoping the Palestinians can forgive the Israelis.

I was amazed at the amount of openness in Mexico–there is a lot of repression, but also a lot of openness. I’m hoping NAFTA is repealed or made more fair so that small farmers in Mexico can return to their livelihoods and that our subsidized corn stops undermining their corn farming:

Checking and hoping for positive stories:

I don’t like the fearful/hopeless tone of much of this site today, although I understand the anguish. I like this David Michael Green article title:
“I Have A Dream, 2010 Version” and the assertions of John Nichols, although I am hoping for a soft landing for rich people, one that creates meaningful lives for them and helps them gainfully employ and fund people who have less money.
“Bring the Troops Home, Bust the Banksters, Democratize the Economy”

I definitely do not agree with this article about entropy: IMO, things are getting more and more integrated as life evolves. We sentients are the eyes and hands of God examining itself for integration before dispersal.

I have no wind in my sails this morning for more vitriol and despair. Hoping for some positive headlines on Oy. After checking this site, I suggest its readers examine this material with a grain of salt & stop despairing & try to work on seeing the ‘other’ side as the same side. We must work together.

Checking foxnews. Bleck. Seems pretty realistic but too pragmatic in terms of benefiting our culture at the expense of dominating other cultures. I definitely am not delighted about Fox News calling itself “Fair & Balanced.”

I am wishing for the elimination of the words ‘undermine,’ ‘insurgent,’ and ‘execute’ on Also not sure Elie Wiesel should be a prime example of humanitarianism given the current nature of the Israeli state, but I’m willing to listen. Glad he’s hoping for Mideast peace, though.

(FYI, I my maternal grandmother is Jewish.)

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World Weather Report:

New tropical storm Julia is following behind Igor, but it looks like they’ll die out at sea.

Lots of heavy rain in southeast Asia and parts of Africa, and I’m hoping it’s all OK.

Wishing for more blue dots where they are needed to alleviate drought, and fewer blue dots where they are not needed. The eastern mediterranean is in need of blue dots, which I hope it gets. Europe looks fine.

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Glad to hear about the improvement in Guyatu Bagaja’s life. Her family is now located near water in the Horn of Africa. I hope they can find means to employment and good living. I’m hoping for more precipitation in Kenya to alleviate the livestock situation. I’m hoping for less conflict as well. I like the Disaster Risk Reduction programme and I hope it can continue to do good work and expand its influence and that some day it will no longer be necessary.

Adembe & Love,