The News

I hope Clinton is right about the time being ripe for Mideast talks, although I think time is always ripe for candid, loving, respectful talk.

I am hoping that people can rebuild the infrastructure in the US to something more sustainable–not sure natural gas is the best way to go. Hoping for more electric, geothermal energy, whatever Tesla envisioned, etc. But rebuilding part of the infrastructure seems like it would be a good jobs program.

I’m hoping criminal charges are NOT filed against the man who inadvertantly started a fire in Colorado. Rather, I am hoping for an education program to be implemented, and perhaps this man can help testify part-time for the education program in compensation, although I hope they pay him for his time.

I believe we are composed of information which is visualized as seemingly tangible material which is receptive to psychological suggestion, so I believe this man was healed by Newman in concert with his physician’s help.

I am hoping for a soft landing for the 500,000 (1/10th of their population) who are being laid off in Cuba – I believe the Cuban system was pretty good other than being too constrictive of personal freedoms. There’s got to be a better middle ground for all of us.

I am hoping for reconciliation in Kashmir, and for people to never just shoot people on site.

On to the more difficult sites:

I really like this headline: “We Need a (Green) Jobs Program”
makes complete sense to me.

I like the positive outlook of this story “The Good Food Evolution.”

In Detroit, for example, African American elders raised in the South saw the vacant lots in our deteriorating neighborhoods not as blight but as opportunities to plant community gardens that would also give city kids a sense of the time and patience that are a normal part of country life and that human beings now need for our continuing evolution.

I like the evolving tone of this perspective–seems like a good thing to recognize good insights on the ‘right’ – “Too Bad Newt Gingrich is Nuttier than a Fruitcake Because a “Kenyan Anti-Colonial” Worldview Would be Good” I’d like to remind people on the left that Dennis Kucinich, who I admire greatly, also believes in aliens–which could be decried as pretty nutty.

So much skepticism and condemnation and vitriol on commondreams. How can we ever come together if we can’t forgive each other? I believe we must forgive.


I’ve been largely ignoring the tea party as I do not want to get too emotionally involved. I am hoping that conservative movements can blend with liberal movements and find areas of common ground. I know there are areas of common ground. I am hoping for less emotional demonization from the extreme elements on the fringes of movements.

I have read about people on the border going out and shooting immigrants like its a party–I wish this was covered more on foxnews, and condemned. As it is, they are focusing on border agent patrols and drug busting.

Hoping for more understanding from the right about the consequences of treating other countries as places to plunder – 1,000,000+ iraqis killed as a result of our actions. We lost, what, a couple thousand in the twin tower incident? I do not think this t-shirt was purposefully designed to cause grief.

Can’t take any more this morning. I am hoping that people can reconcile their differences. I have friends from all over the spectrum, and they all have good hearts. A better reality is possible, and is in the making, I am sure of it.

The Weather

World weather report: Looks like the tropical storms are still safely out at sea. says they are something to be concerns about, but I hope not.

I am hoping for a more even distribution of precipitation so that the arid regions of the world, the ones that are suffering from drought, have adequate precipitation.

European weather looks OK.

Hoping the risk of fires can be reduced in the west. I think this can happen if they get a bit more precipitation.

Heart hurts.

– – –


I believe schitzophrenics and affectives and manics have antennae to Gaia and the Sun. I believe they can go crazy from not understanding the signals they are syncing into. We used to have roles for these people. We called them shamans.

Fly is buzzing around my head, trying to tell me something. Cricket’s chirping outside. Mandycat is interested in the fly.

I believe in an afterlife–probably of one’s conception, but I am not sure. I believe the signals I have received is from my conception of a possible afterlife, which is good.



One Response

  1. Love you Kathy… lots of good links here and good positive energy. Thank you.. I posted the one on FB about the Urban Gardens… it is the one very positive thing going on in Detroit that very little is being said about. It is a way to recycle unused urban land for a better purpose.

    Like very much your statement …”We did used to call them shamans”… so true. But now in modern society we need to again find a place for these individuals to express their gifts. Especially those who are articulate and functional and have so much to offer others of their vision. I think they see the world like you do in a connected whole. A vision we only connect to in a fragmented way just now.
    I’m glad your taking time to articulate your thoughts and ideas…

    I always appreciate what you share.

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