December 2024 poem harvest

2024.12.2 – J. D. Vance
2024.12.2 – There’s running on empty
2024.12.5 – It’s the leash I could do
2024.12.5 – Blood of love
2024.12.6 – Aaahhh the easing of the pressure
2024.12.6 – Slow folk on highway
2024.12.6 – “I’ve got to go downstairs
2024.12.8 – Hey U S of A
2024.12.9 – The gripes of wrath
2024.12.10 – I look
2024.12.11 – The city seeps
2024.12.11 – Is night
2024.12.13 – Dog’s talking to me
2024.12.13 – If mirror life looked into their mirror
2024.12.14 – Got my rage on
2024.12.15 – O woe is man, for I am omen
2024.12.16 – Tantalus never tastes grapes
2024.12.17 – No light in sky
2024.12.17 – The way we’re going
2024.12.18 – Lilac sky
2024.12.18 – Lilac dawn gone
2024.12.19 – Why does society expect me to feel bad
2024.12.19 – Go into the light without dark
2024.12.20 – He /She / It looks down
2024.12.22 – Smokestack lightning flashes in fog
2024.12.22 – I used to program the machine
2024.12.24 – To Lady on her 52nd Birthday
2024.12.24 – There’s humane
2024.12.25 – The word salad seasons
2024.12.25 – As hard as it is
2024.12.26 – Gummy gummy gummy
2024.12.27 – Feline dies of bird flu
2024.12.27 – Pale violet on horizon
2024.12.28 – Can’t kill myself
2024.12.29 – No wise no wisdom lotta woes
2024.12.29 – Tried for the big time
2024.12.30 – Each night I take myself apart

~ ~ ~

J.D. Vance
do and say anything
to advance

~ ~ ~

There’s running on empty
then there’s this steroidal
as parts fall off
small things like kidneys
a cut of colon
a bit of back
a flesh tumor crying horror
with no STOP option

I reach for phone
grab vape instead
no known clear here
so back to before
in long hard nothing
a going nowhere
already gone

keep going
not knowing

some say God
set everything in motion
then wiped His memory
so He could enjoy
The Show

so one more time
why are we the punch line?

~ ~ ~

As the coffee slowly creeps
toward the surface
through no of go
and lie of why
we continue
new day

There’s 8-fold path
there’s foot in foot of foot

life is
as always

and the check ain’t in the mail

~ ~ ~

It’s the leash I could do
said the dogwalker
to the harness

~ ~ ~

Blood of love
in dirt of rebirth
I move in small arcs
with large pains
must be using muscle memory
cuz I’m still moving

Said you’re on or off the bus
Taint true
you can be over, under
front, back, both sides
and dimensions in between
and believe me
I been all
be some now
going down this unknown road
with unknown load
pointy sticks stuck in back
as goad

And as for bus go
I don’t know
but I’m a hangin’ on

~ ~ ~

Aaahhh the easing of the pressure
of holding myself together
in this hellish whether

take another toke

ain’t no joke
weed eases bleed of bad
but baby bad abounds
in hounds
of Capitalistic Hell

nothing new
the many used by few
never told true
killing you
and me
for free

they cheat their mothers
screw their brothers
as for the others
they’re meat
to beat

but as bad gets badder
thoughts of maybe better
perhaps early work
in getting jerks jailed
for forbiddances
and fails

evil’s empowered
bad guys in the tower
no other way to put it

didn’t have to happen
doesn’t have to be

as always
on you and me

what’s it gonna be?

~ ~ ~

Slow folk on highway
heavy hammer just behind
in The Temple of the Turning

~ ~ ~

“I’ve got to go downstairs
and take the laundry upstairs”
said Sisyphus to his wife.

“Don’t drop it” she cackled

~ ~ ~

Hey U S of A
slick sick list here
not one you want to be
number one on
nine times world wide

#Total Crimes
*CO2 Emissions
*Divorce Rate
*Teen Birth Rate
*Heart Attack
*McDonald’s Restaurants
*Plastic Surgery

Lotta sad seeping down
cuzza bad wearing crowns

Steal enough
they make you a king
guess it’s always been a thing
the strong in force
but weak in heart and mind
are usually unkind
history finds

Of course

No mystery here
good with bad cannot cohere
cuz paths diverge
in different woulds
that end in flesh
or cinder

Which will will we
I wonder

~ ~ ~

The gripes of wrath
social aftermaths
bite my ass
pay a pig a day
and capitalism still
won’t go away
but hey
what can I say
it’s the way
I have spoken
ofttimes token
ain’t jokin’
jive ‘n strivin’
for the livin’
not the dyin’
keep on tryin’
not to lie
as I pry
tug at why
in magic try
of sun
and moon
and sky
no one home
but hope alone

~ ~ ~

I look
I watch
I don’t understand

Or maybe do
ole lizard brain and you
took hunger
to crawl sea bottom
to land top and not stop

And looks like lizard brain
gonna crawl us right back down
to slime and crowd
of life biting life to survive
in unstrive

Sorta like it never stopped
just got lipstick put on the slop
and called smart

(but not, sings the lark)

O well
buy and sell bye-bye cell
here we a-go-go to lower down woes
stuffin’ our pockets
with glop

Hug my body
hug my spirit
hug my whole

Sorry soul

~ ~ ~

The city seeps
cries cross hill
for creatures of will
and won’t
but I don’t answer

All you got
is you
your honor
your corner
your cancer

Outside horror
day one
to day done
eat must eat
cheat must cheat
got us out of the ocean
into the trees
down to the penthouse

Their rent rends
they tent trends
to bad ends

All we got
is our corner spot
to soothe the knot of never

Grab a chair
glad you’re here
well come to my corner

We’ll raise our thumbs
to the dumb someones
humping money fever

~ ~ ~

Is night
but still light
dark trees black against falling snow
moon somewhere above
fog, deep fog
glowing city half smoked dope infused
with cry and laughter
and ever after
streetlight delight

~ ~ ~

Dog’s talking to me

Watching talk box
up stairs he’s too old to climb
he barks to go out
I comply
coming back in
I grab a candy bar
he gives me his where’s mine look
I ignore it
go up
10 minutes later bark
come down
he’s standing by the pantry door
where treats are
I laugh
give him his treat
back upstairs
15 minutes later another bark
he’s by his bed
in which cat’s sprawled
I remove cat
dog gets in

I’m glad we had this talk
he sighs
I go upstairs
happy I understood

~ ~ ~

If mirror life looked into their mirror
would we be what they see?

“Scientists Say Mirror Bacteria
‘Should Not Be Created'”

it doesn’t end, does it?

friend sez
“we’re rollin down hill
and pickin up speed”

can’t even say
that was yesterday
and yesterday’s gone
cuz the future’s waving at us
in the rearview mirror

they talkin’
o boy they talkin
growing mini-brains with eyes
time crystals in quantum computers
reviving 24,000 yr-old permafrost zombies
making mutant daddy shortlegs
reversing age
talking zero with crows
bringing back wooly mammoths
seeding the sky to scare the sun
bleeding sea for electricity
freeze drying the arctic
ignoring the scars
fleeing to Mars

putting Liberty behind bars

gonna ban the tran, be The Man
what a bloodsucking end
from small-handed men

a bit disappointing, my friend

~ ~ ~

Got my rage on
read the news
amped my inner anger with coffee
mellowed that a bit with weed
so sun’s coming up
and I’m wound
with nowhere to go
and I ain’t going slow, Moe
ain’t going slow
but I’m going
I’m going to be a better person
going to raise rationality
lower nationality
and actually
I lie
won’t even try
gonna keep stumblebumbing why
crashing through the course
raising rants and crying curse
and worse
ain’t gonna close my eyes
in possum try
will crawl on through the hurt
and work
to help move more mellow plan
be more in the am
junking my jerk
losing smirk

lot of murk

~ ~ ~

O woe is man, for I am omen

“Sounds like Shakespeare”

No, just me
in shaky peer down history

~ ~ ~

Tantalus never tastes grapes
nor Sisyphus hilltop seizes

yet we know them you and me
their failures make them famous

unlike what my mirror returns
lots of little losses

often close, but not enough to pay
or earn return for lowness

so I trod side streets only
never big, never known, never lonely

Is good deal
life is real

~ ~ ~

No light in sky
small spark in me
another day of chasing why
cuz life is never free

I trod the treads ahead
carry past on back
no idea what to spend
getting back on track

Every day is starting over
every day is just the same
every day is 4-leaf clover
every day is blame

Is it all a game?

Don’t make no difference
what they say
still gotta play

But what the hey

~ ~ ~

The way we’re going
we’re heading for owing
an owing often hard

Be that it may
perhaps we can pre-pay
future prospect

Helped someone today
felt better
about eat and play

But also
that is the way
of 8-fold pick’n’pay

Right path
right action
right word
right thought

And the four other oughts
I’ve forgot

So there goes the arc of my plot

Bye-bye old burden
hello new
how you?

~ ~ ~

Lilac sky
black tree branches
today and tomorrow

sunrise or sorrow
two into one

~ ~ ~

Lilac dawn gone
I made it through the day

night cushions me
from reality

soon sleep
re-ravel sleeve of care

adding up my brownie points
and used-Camelots

subtracting shudda-beens
from Karma plots

leaves me somewhere twixt
shoe and leather

maybe okay
maybe bad whether

but who am I to judge?

~ ~ ~

Why does society expect me to feel bad
about the murder of a health C.E.O.
who made his living killing other people?

~ ~ ~

Go into the light without dark
go into the dark without light

call me when you return

~ ~ ~

He / She / It looks down
on our toilet paper world
deems it dirty

Blame the paper
not the plumber
for the proper promptly pay

Purgatory’s probably less fun
than Impurgatory
I’d unmagine

There’s a line
where lines align
in time

There’s time
that thinks it’s rosemary
but that’s relative

Faster you go
the younger you are
higher your slow

Is it delight
or sour devils
we fight

I surrender
to what’s right*

*right of course
less a concept
than the need to justify now

[as always]

~ ~ ~

Smokestack lightning flashes in fog
guides us though the slog
of shudda wudda cudda
heading for a better bend

2 hours in car in cold parking lot
this here-we-are a nowhere-to-go
as wife does her hair
her hands
her toes

I watch the come and go
tavern to my left
Dairy Mart on right
salon ahead
so far not a moving car
nary a narrative nibble
bread basket empty

except empty’s never empty
whether cat’s dead or alive

I sit drinking bad coffee
eating cheap cookies
snow falling soft
windshield cheap holiday card
of lost innocence
our family Christmas cancelled
by Covid age of plague

slow fall of snow
hides the unhidden
muffles sound
flesh demands of lizard brains dampened
cold slows them down

which is why
they’re warming the planet
to thicken their lizard musk

we splay
trapped in crap of The Corporocrats
whose eyes are never filled
new snow covers our sins in white
except white is one of our sins

snow falters
flesh flounders
bad coffee getting cranky

up and down the hill
rock in roll here we go

joy always fades
sometimes so does pain

words slow know where to go

~ ~ ~

I used to program the machine
code in
code out
if else
now I’m number unknown
alone in some side buffer cache
waiting for my way
to explain
why I missed the station

of course
no explanation

~ ~ ~

To Lady on her 52nd Birthday

This is desiccated to the one I love
cuz that’s what I’d be without her

This is dedicated to the one I love
cuz that’s what she is

19 years 3 months 13 days
of what I thought wouldn’t

Now must

We the deal real
no Hollow Would & Bovine

More random and roaming
roaring down Vroomin Road

Happy bornday, baby
happy cancelled Covid Christmas

Love sharing our unknown going
cherish our bearing of been

I’ll continue driving, Lady
you decide our where and when

~ ~ ~

There’s humane
and there’s human
one doesn’t take out the trash

You can trim my eyebrows
and put me in a suit
but I’m still farm boy fool
in its best essence
King court jester

I tell truths
and nobody listens
we’re all happy

~ ~ ~

The word salad seasons
the eye salad which seasons
the mind salad lacking reason

It’s all one big mixture
of what you perceive
versus me

Plus the 8 billion others
adding up their messes

Is red red?
Is dead dead?
Is feed fed?


What is truth
but a lie for youth

~ ~ ~

As hard as it is
it’s a treasure to be alive
sometimes even a pleasure

But what a mess
this having to guess
flee fight feed fornicate

They say time isn’t
and space is questionable as well
it’s gravity wells all the way down

To . . . ?

And speaking of such
our universe is expanding
but into what, exactly?

Of course answers don’t matter
not these
not here

Just shiny beads strung on string
before hungry eyes

Rent is rent
flesh is flesh
and sometimes rent must rend

But when rend don’t end
and game goes on
there’s the fun

And for fuel?
me, fool


~ ~ ~

Gummy gummy gummy
I got glow in my tummy
helping head and body painS

Used to use Head & Shoulders
but now that I’m older
I shave my head to plain

Which is better
for you and me brother
other than sister or two

But apple was bit
by human with clit
so whatcha gonna do

Though to be upfront
be better planet
had females had the rule

Cuz gotta be honest
planet wouldn’t be hottest
if men didn’t doo-doo do

Not pointing fingers
cuz damage long lingers
no matter who got us here

Take ticket for trip
to garbage pit
and loop of starting over

Who knows how it’ll go
as you compost and grow
at least you’re part of the future

~ ~ ~

Feline dies of bird flu
the old go-around goes around
on karma carousel

~ ~ ~

Pale violet on horizon
of rising sun

Is earth angry?
or sad?

Or both?

~ ~ ~

Can’t kill myself
my younger brother already did
and I don’t do 2nd acts

Have to hang on anyway
there might be a blooper reel
after the credits

~ ~ ~

No wise no wisdom lotta woes
that’s the way the world grows

should I eat you?
should I greet you?

maybe beat you to a pulp?
treat you to a gulp?

what’re the rules?
who’re the fools?

I ask in call
mirror mirror on the wall

there’s a lot of hope
it’s all a joke

but life
is strife

eat eaten
rent bent

and yet all this while
a smile is still a smile

a hand grand
as is understand

so my aim
beat reality at its own game

~ ~ ~

Tried for the big time
but couldn’t get a ticket
so now I fix it
by going small


a slice of sun
the red of watermelon
the come hither slither of lilac

the heart’s “What’s that!?”

huckleberry howdy
sky uncloudy
fruit bats

not being rude
but to put it crude
I praise the pearls in the pus
the sparkle in the dark of us
no front or back
no fare unfair
on or off the omnibus

pretty happy going slow
no road high but don’t feel low
in wonder why

woe go now knot know

~ ~ ~

Each night I take myself apart
put ears in charger
teeth in water
brain in the compost

Morning comes
charged ears back in head
cleaned teeth in mouth
where’s my brain?

~ ~ ~

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