New poem, illustrated by me&ChatGPT.

ChatGPT had an issue with illustrating my poem, likely because of too many possible ways to go, so gave me this bit of dialogue before creating an image:

“It seems there was an issue generating the image. Let me try that again for you.

A laundromat scene with a modern feel, showing a man waiting in a slightly worn waiting room. The setting is ‘4 Quarter Laundry’ with two loads of laundry in progress, a clear view of the 58 quarters in the machines. The man sits thoughtfully, surrounded by the typical decor of a laundromat. The background includes a round dryer window with a dense wet bathroom rug tumbling inside. There’s a hint of a doctor’s office in the ambiance, suggesting the man is also waiting for a doctor. The atmosphere feels contemplative, capturing the themes of waiting, life’s uncertainties, and a touch of mysticism, reflecting the poem’s lines about life’s cyclical nature and reincarnation. The overall tone should be a mix of mundane and surreal, with subtle elements suggesting a journey or transformation.”

Excellent summation. I do not understand how Artificial Intelligence code can describe my poem better than I can . . . of course, I rarely explain my poems, figure that’s between the reader and the poem.

~ ~ ~

Obligato Terra Mundo

Down at 4 Quarter Laundry
doing 2 loads
58 quarters

Waiting in the waiting room
for the laundry to chug
for the doctor to come
for fairness to be
for folk to see
for you
for me and thee
for better be

Some say life’s a pyramid scheme
and then you die
others call it Reincarnation

Magic carpet ride
watch dense wet bathroom rug
twirl flop alone for 20 minutes
in round dryer window
ticket return

Unto life be a child
only then is heaven

I’ve offered my 1st born as payment
many a time
since sterilize in ’75

– Smith, 7.17.2024

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