word harvest April 2024…

2024.4.1 – Bath window above
2024.4.2 – Perhaps the real party starts
2024.4.3 – Old diner
2024.4.8 – The rich eat the rich
2024.4.9 – What’s the biggr miracle
2024.4.10 – When it’s not the sirens
2024.4.15 – Who and what do I worship?
2024.4.17 – Sun up sky
2024.4.19 – Slow walking edge
2024.4.25 – Sitting in hot water
2024.4.29 – Freight train chugging down valley
2024.4.30 – Simple Simon Sez

~ ~ ~

Bath window above
all high wind rush and siren
no rooster, no train

yet there’s always rooster
always train

water hot
mind spirit soul not
used up much recovering
from tumor they cut

turn on radio
hide siren high wind sound
go to Zen when

sit up
mouthful of cold water
close eyes
sip slide small slips slow down throat
one high fine at a time
lay back

radio hides mind
quiets body window noise
listen to C. Prophet sing
“What Makes The Monkey Dance?”


~ ~ ~

Perhaps the real party starts
on the other side
free of flesh

~ ~ ~

Old diner
grease & gravy

~ ~ ~

The rich eat the rich
devour the poor
still itch

~ ~ ~

What’s the bigger miracle
yesterday’s total solar eclipse
or that Cleveland’s skies were clear?

~ ~ ~

When it’s not the sirens
it’s the freight train
when it’s not the freight train
it’s the rooster
when it’s not the rooster
it’s the windwater rush of wheel
when it’s not the wheels
it’s the sirens

~ ~ ~

Who and what do I worship?

don’t know no who high enough
from my lowness to glance upwards at

(I’m usually too high for humans anyway)

and I don’t worship animals birds insects fish
though do treasure respect admire

I’m close to worshipping plants
green leaves lilacs tall grasses

I do worship the trees
which may be earth’s highest lifeform
rich and wise in time and sharing

(we’re earth lieforms)

of course I totally worship the sun
from my small shadow

and last week in full total eclipse
I looked at the sun with uncovered eyes
for four minutes
as Sky Eye stared back at me

and I looked good

even piss sparkles in the sun

~ ~ ~

Sun up sky
man down dirt
Heaven vs Earth

The wind blows where it blows
knows what it knows
goes when it goes
in spite of my guesses
of yes’es and no’s

I drink my coffee
watch the moon eat the sun
we are one

~ ~ ~

Slow walking edge
abyss below
void within

~ ~ ~

Sitting in hot water
sweating salt water

Sipping cold water
sweating more

Less of me to rue

~ ~ ~

Freight train chugging down valley
hauling my old sins away
making room for new

~ ~ ~

Simple Simon Sez

It’s your world
I’m more flotsam or jetsam
not cargo
not passenger
couldn’t pay passage
no where no way no why

Yet here I am
part stowaway mostly fool
dancing your sins
your money bins adding empty to empty
pretending they’re full
printing what you don’t have
to buy what you can’t use

Shiny tomorrow dead yesterday
you know
sow reap rip sew

Been lotta sowing heading for reaping
big heap of ripping

Mess larger math smaller

I choose to move in moments
sit in sun
walk dog
pet cat
hug wife
toke home grown
you know
lightening my corner of are

We’re meant to mend
watch trends but not follow
avoid the fallow the shallow the hollow

So I mine the mundane
like our white picket fence
ending in dead-end street

It’s precarious
the good
the bad
the living
the dead
the taken and the left behind

Best to sit a bit between the troubles
soak in sun and silence

~ ~ ~

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