protectors of the rich in Zaachila – foto by smith

Lady’s telling me of yet another horrendous expose of the corruption called No Child Left Behind. I explain she has the name wrong – it’s really No Corporation Left Behind. George Warcrimes Bush and Vice Dick Cheney never met a corporation they didn’t like.

I was hoping as a birthday present yesterday I would wake up to find Bush, Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Gonzalez, and Bill & Hillary Clinton imprisoned for mass murder, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. The first 6 are responsible for 1.5 million Iraqi civilian deaths, and the Clintons murdered a million Iraqis themselves (at leat 500,000 of them children) with their illegal embargo of Iraq.

Most of Congress could be indicted for war crimes for illegally funding this illegal war.

Welcome to Dead Meat Sandwich, U.S.A..

What’s really sad is the American public have sat on their asses while children are being murdered in their name by a President and Vice-President who were never once legally elected.

Where’s Monty Python when you really need them?

thug nation – foto by smith

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