Word harvest June 2024 w/ pictchures

2024.6.7 – The closer you look
2024.6.10 – Sunlight slips between the leaves
2024.6.13 – Walking edge of ease
2024.6.14 – Love blood mars my arm
2024.6.17 – Young groundhog that side of glass
2024.6.20 – Go until pooped
2024.6.23 – Outside Heat Dome hot
2024.6.25 – I live at the corner
2024.6.26 – If there’s life after death

~ ~ ~

The closer you look
the more impossible it becomes

I don’t know when
I learned what I learned
but I ain’t the be I been

It matters most tomorrow
what you do today
all overlain by yesterday’s sorrow

Gonna go out and find the truth
got one shoe on

~ ~ ~

Sunlight slips between the leaves
sparkles in their shadow

Spring slides into summer
aspecting earth side flow

Seeds grow apples fall
rot returns as red

All hail Schrödinger’s box
in bet on life and dead

~ ~ ~

Walking edge of ease

Add some caffeine to that THC, Mr Smith
and we’ll get down to bidness

You can bid on this you can bid on that
wins depend on which what fed

You’re alive, so something’s dead
that’s the Ying Yang yodel

Here just means another want there
their’s the selfish model

Entropy regrets us high or low
so toke and sip I follow

It’s the moments between sear and fear
I use to soothe the hollow

The rest? perhaps tepid, to be tasted

A bit of abyss, please

~ ~ ~

Love blood mars my arm
like bad unreadable alien poetry
from soft paw cat claw clutch
and fang
and believe my thin old man skin
love hurts

~ ~ ~

Young groundhog that side of glass
playing on our deck
kitten this side crouches
I turn to net, news
too much stupid
go back to deck
groundling’s gone
but squirrel scampers atop rail
kitten quivers
I in I eases

~ ~ ~

Go until pooped
then sit in charge body reboot
getting old’s a hoot

Weary, worn, and wary
hopeful, but not unworried
now next unscary

I used to drink
until I turned to blood
woke in Intensive Care

First I drank to go out
then drank at home
then stayed home to drink

Thrashed about
in and out
acted lout

There’s dance
there’s data
there’s deception

Now 33 years sober
15 seconds since caffeine
10 minutes from toke

~ ~

Outside Heat Dome hot
bath window open
in tub
water steams
sweat oozes everywhere non-stop
purging sin
of my human verminal destructions

Oh credit card country
give me plastic or give me waste

~ ~ ~

I live at the corner
of Crooked Tree & Branch
near Random Avenue & Marginal Drive
not far from Lost Nation Road
though no one knows how to get there
or how it was named
there’s no there from here anyway
so when I go I’ll go real fast
down Vroomin Road
foot heavy on the petal
mind easy in its load

~ ~ ~

If there’s life after death
first thing I’ll realize
is WOW no flesh pain

And I wonder
does brain pain go too?

Looking back it’s miraculous
almost scandalous
that that-me survived at all
that I got to be me-me
though me-me ain’t next-me
so far

I’ve seen too much magic
not to have a bit of belief

~ ~ ~

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