my mind eye
open poetry reading today Sunday May 17, 2015 at
the Rooms To Let two house art installation 2 pm
3810 E. 71 St., Cleveland, OHIO
hosted by Smith & Lady in the Chiplis Neon Repoetry room
front house, second floor I believe
no sign up, read if and when you feel
courtiuosly leaving room for all
bring you own chair or sit or stand
Nepalese poet Yuyu Sharma will be part of open mic
he’s returning to Nepal after the reading due to the eartrhquakes
Rooms to Let art installation FaceBook page
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Thanks for this food
thanks for this wife
friend for rest of life
thanks for good times fed
as well as stress and strife
and the wild life led
wimmin, wind and weather
hell bent for pleasure
as through this grass I slither
hither and dither for good.
– Smith, 5.17.2015