unbought glasses

Unbought Glasses

She looks in mirror at herself,
claims she looks insane.
We’re all insane, I softly say,
just show it different ways.

– Smith 2.3.2014

We went for new glasses. Mine are clear and fine, but Lady had me take a foto of how she looked in each possible pair and didn’t like what she saw. I thought she was kinda cute in the pair above, but no go, so she went back to contacts since she can’t wear glasses when she runs in the cold because they fog.

She wore contacts when we met, and had longer than shoulder length hair, but ditched the contacts for our three years in foreign lands, and the longer we traveled, the shorter her hair got due to the difficulties of living out of backpacks. Now she’s back to contacts and is growing her hair again.

exercize Lady & some older glasses – fotosmith

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