blues name chart from WHAS 11 News Facebook page

Folks ask what inspires a poem. Answer is anything and everything.

This particular one started last night when I used the above Facebook chart to find that my blues name was Blind Money Davis (which is fair since money seems unable to see me). I used the chart to create some more blues folk, then wrote this around them.

Bad Blues Boy

Hello Big Fingers Brown, I’m Blind Money Davis
heard you been singing some blues
about how I spouted a shout out at Buddy’s
before I done paid enough dues

Well Daddy No Know your psych slip’s been showing
like Stinky Eye Thompkins down patch
that dude do showed you harmonica blowing
his wife helped you scratching that itch

And you didn’t do well with Boney Foot Hopkins
nor Lippy Jeff Bailey back home
guess for Foot there simply weren’t enough napkins
and Bailey you did in alone

Was I you I’d be watching my waywords my friend
best remember Washboard Blue Jim
he couldn’t remember his own chord in the end
and his chance of recovery’s slim

I beat Sleepy Paul Skinny with fret board phrasing
played better than Big Yella When
I certainly handle harmonic stage phrasing
way cooler than 3-Finger Lem

So back off a bit you bitter bad blues boy
before we’re set up for a tiff
I’m not trying or lying here just to be coy
just hoping to soften sad if

— Blind Money Davis aka Smith, 1.2.2014

detail Doubting Thomas installation by James Matzorkis – fotosmith

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