Granny Lenore Ireland at Snoetry Poetry Festival 2011 – foto Smith
Granny’s husk waxes,
wanes, fine turns to tune of moon
dries wings for new flight
— Smith, 7.24.2012
Lady’s Grandmother was moved from hospital to hospice status yesterday, brought home to her daughter’s living room to die surrounded my family while cocooned with serious pain drugs . . . a sleep, slip, slide away from stage 4 cancer.
Was hoping she’d last another 24 days to see her grandson’s wedding but four more days would seem to be pushing it . . . except that Granny has failed and rallied before, is tough, stubborn, persistent and positive, so can’t be counted out — but it sure looks like this is the current script’s final scene, in this theater anyway.
Granny’s especially important to Lady because due to financial insecurities and family dynamics early on she lived with her Grandparents when she was 3 and 4, a happy time of bonding, remembers her Grandfather feeding her weak milk-coffee and dancing around the kitchen with her standing on his toes.
Granny’s 87 so has had a good run. We’ve taken her to a couple poetry readings where she’s entranced the audience with her chutzpah.
Herr’s a link to one of her readings. Grandma Poesy: 84 Year Old Poetry Virgin from her May 2010 reading.
Granny at a Taste of Tremont chocolate eating contest – foto Smith
Granny reading various places + her poetry book – fotos Smith
It’s been an honor to have met her… and a joy to have known her.
I hope her transition is a peaceful one surrounded by the people she knows and trusts. and it sounds to be so…
It was a real pleasure to meet Granny. She is such a sweetie with a great disposition and kindness to all. It will not be difficult to remember her. Wish we had had more time with her. Thank God for her loving family and friends.