Altzes of old – foto Smith
Past Forward
Time swish swoops fast
Past present flash test dash
From were to will
Till ash at last
The day danced daze
Of never now
But then
And if
And when
The dreadlines drooling
Showing who’s the boss
Of loss
Or gain
Depends on aim
And élan
The flux and flow of plan
Or in this case
The me of my my
And the she of my main ma’am
We are
Our own time machine
A fine force firm for the future
— Smith, 5.19.2012
Firm for the future – foto Smith
love the bottom photo.. looks like the shadow of a man sitting and facing away from us.. Like a rorschach ink blot…. one can see a lot of things in it if one wants to..
Neat poem…. I see your brief spell of no poems has long passed…. looking forward to hearing you read some of these new ones.