Unruly published by Crisis Chronicles Press – fotos by Smith
Got to see my new chapbook “Unruly” last night at the Night Fragments reading. Good book. Contains 25 of my poems and two of my fotos, Poems selected, arranged and published by John Burroughs of Crisis Chronicles Press. He printed the poems crosswise on blue-ruled 3-hole school writing paper, with the blue lines vertical, the poetry horizontal, the holes across the bottom.
You can purchase it for $5 at Crisis Chronicle Press.
Mostly brand new poems — 7 from 2011, 15 from 2010, and one each from 2004, 1990, and 1968. Here’s a short one that sums it up.
Me, Myself and Lie
There’re three mes in me:
skin, brain, and bone
and none of them will leave me alone.
— Smith, 2010

Lady reading at Night Fragments – Poetry in the Dark 8.20.2011 – foto by Smith
Great reading last night. Lady was on fire both word and performance. She started by lighting a beeswax candle handmade by monks, stuck it in a pail of Lake Erie sand, sat it on the stage, turned around and said “Welcome. I am the ambassador from Planet Cleveland here to your Planet Lorain.” She spoke almost preached on spirituality and saving the planet then read 4-5 long poems. Well received.
I had my best reading in a long while. Got my mojo back. Had a pretty good performing groove going before we left the country in 2006 — I could usually quiet the room — but after three years away it was gone. Last night’s brand new audience finally primed my pump. I know what I’m doing again.
Afterward, a 70 yr old woman came up and said I had a way with words, didn’t think they made them like me anymore, and going through the door, turned, did a quick lean-in crouch with raised thumb and said “You’re the bomb.” Wow.

Lady reading at Night Fragments – Poetry in the Dark 8.20.2011 – foto by Smith