bottom Mark Kuhar; middle Lady K, top Smith – foto by Smith
Outsider Art, Underground Poetry reading and art show this Thursday June 23.
Lady K, Mark Kuhar and Steven B. Smith will be reading poetry at the Serafino Gallery in Little Italy Thursday June 23 at 7:30 pm as part of their current art show reception.
This is a good looking show. Lady has 21 pieces made on three continents, I’ve 13, and we’ve included our first collaborative piece; Mark Kuhar has a slew of paintings and sculptures peppered around the gallery.
Please join poet/artists Kathy Smith, Mark S. Kuhar and Steven B. Smith as well as artist Ralph Solonitz for “Outsider Art, Underground Poetry,” at Serafino Gallery in Little Italy. View strange works of folk, primitive and art brut; political cartoons, and listen to poetry, cosmic love songs and bongo chants. Show runs June 18 – 30.
Serafino Gallery
11917 Mayfield Rd. in Little Italy, Cleveland, OH 44106 · 216.721.1025

Lady & Smith and Kuhar art at Serafino Gallery – fotos by Smith